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2019 Scholarship Recipients

OCA Tucson's Make A Difference Scholarship recognizes leadership in the community. Four scholarships, of $1,000 each, are awarded. Two are awarded to seniors from high schools in Tucson, Arizona, who will be attending Arizona colleges as freshmen in Fall 2024. The other two are awarded to graduates from high schools in Tucson, Arizona, who are college undergraduate or graduate students attending a 4-year institution of higher learning in Fall 2024 in Arizona. The awards shall be sent directly to the applicant's academic institution. 

Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Applicant must have been a senior from a high school in
    Tucson, Arizona who graduated by June 2024 and is
    attending a 2- or 4-year institution of higher education in
    Arizona in Fall 2024,

  • OR applicant is a graduate from a high school in
    Tucson, Arizona and is an enrolled undergraduate or
    graduate student at a 4-year accredited institution of
    higher learning in Arizona.

  • Applicant must show a proven record of community leadership.

  • Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or legal refugee.

  • Applicant must identify as AANHPI (Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander).

Applicants must submit a 600-word essay describing their leadership role in the Tucson community. The application must include the community organization's contact information, as well as the applicant's direct supervisor's name and contact information. 

There is no academic criteria or application form. No graphics or attachments will be considered. 

All required documents must be submitted by October 14, 2024 at 5:00 PM MST to Leslie Moe-Kaiser ( AND Allen Miller ( The applicant must email both Leslie Moe-Kaiser AND Allen Miller the date on which they sent the application. One or both OCA Tucson officers will email the applicant upon receipt of the application. If the applicant does not receive a response within 3 days of submission, they must contact Time of service is from October 14, 2023 to October 14, 2024. 


The OCA-UPS National Scholarship is open to AANHPI (Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander) high school seniors who will be first generation students in the upcoming fall. For information about scholarship eligibility, details, and the application form, please visit the Scholarships tab at The deadline for Gold Mountain scholarships is April 21, 2024. For more scholarships, please click the Apply button below.

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